What does aging in place mean?
Aging in place is when someone lives in the home of their choosing for as long as they are able to. In order to do this there may be care services they need. On top of that they may need some remodeling done to their home to help them to be able to do their day to day tasks, like bathing. That’s where KNCH Plumbing comes in. We help remodel, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. to help your loved one be age in place as long as possible.
When to start planning?
Aging in place helps keep a person be able to keep their quality of life as they reach a senior age. You should start early to make plans as your loved ones reach their golden years. There are unavoidable mental, emotional, and physical changes that come with aging. Some of the physical changes include some of the following:
Help your loved ones think ahead and start to make changes before these changes happen.
What is the importance of aging in place?
Aging in place helps people keep their quality of life and their independence as they age. They will be able to handle more of their everyday activities themselves or with minimal assistance. This helps them be able to avoid having to be moved to a nursing facility. This helps them keep up their spirits, independence, and be happier as they reach older ages. Not only do your loved ones feel better, you will feel glad that they are happy and not in a home.
What changes need made to my home?
Everyone is different. Gives KNCH Plumbing a call and we can help you decide what you need for your loved one’s home. Some of the things that your loved one’s home may need include: